Determine terror risk exposure for property locations around the world

The Terror Risk Bundle provides terror sensitive locations with exposure factors and vulnerability ratings.

Overview Key Features Resources

As the potential for terror threats increases, the Risk Data Suite™ Terror Risk Bundle equips you with superior terror risk data for property locations across the globe.

Designed for use within the insurance sector, our optimal terror risk analytics software provides data about terror sensitive locations with exposure factors and vulnerability ratings, giving risk managers, underwriters and actuaries the insights needed to make better pricing coverage and risk selection decisions.

This bundle consists of two main products: TerrorRisk™ and places2protect™.

See the key features of the Risk Data Suite™ Terror Risk Bundle.

Valuable terror risk insights with TerrorRisk™ and places2protect™

TerrorRisk™ is a quarterly updated global list of point of interests, providing scores for each location based upon worldwide expert knowledge of terrorist activities. This tool provides insurance clients with superior terror risk data solutions by providing geographic terror risk exposures and allowing them to conduct simple but valuable terror risk analysis.

places2protect™ (P2P) is a detailed, feature-rich database for the United States, and is tailored for use with Homeland Security and Emergency Management applications. Critical infrastructure points included in this database include hospitals, schools, nursing homes, emergency medical services and police/fire departments, as well as many other site categories.

Risk Data Suite™ for all your risk data solution needs

Our Risk Data Suite™ provides sophisticated risk data solutions for all eventualities. Combining geospatial datasets and historical information, our risk data solutions give you easy access to the information you need to evaluate potential fire, weather, natural disaster and terror related exposure for insured properties.

Additionally, all the datasets are compatible with the Pitney Bowes Software complete line of risk assessment map databases.

The Risk Data Suite™ Terror Risk Bundle provides valuable terror risk insights and exposure analytics.

Through its sophisticated key features you will be able to estimate Probable Maximum Loss (PML) for commercial properties, as well as automatically calculate property proximity to high value terror targets. Other features include:

  • Asset-specific terrorist exposure location analytics
  • Terrorism risk at the street level
  • Location-specific risk metrics
  • User defined loss parameters
  • More accurate location and property information on critical facilities and captive populations
Contact us to find out more about our risk data solutions.

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